

Wendy FisherWendy Fisher, professional free skier, represents NuVim® on the slopes, ski clinics’ and during media appearances. Her large following on Facebook and her web site ( will feature NuVim® products and encourage other skiers to experience the “The NuVim® Difference”.   NuVim® CEO  Rick Kundrat, commented that “We are pleased to add Wendy Fisher to our growing list of celebrities and nutrition experts who recognize how NuVim® can make a difference in how you feel everyday”.

“As a physician of internal medicine I have treated patients and recommended diet supplements for many years.  I have been using and suggesting to my patients a product called NuVim®.  I don’t often take the time to pass along an endorsement of a product but NuVim® is one exception because it works and people should know about it”

– Dr. Tony Gennero, MD, Internal Medicine New Jersey


“As a practicing nurse and one who watches closely what I eat and drink there is a product out there called NuVim® that everyone should know about.  I highly recommend trying it if your goal is to stay healthy and full of energy from morning to night.”

– Ruth Pisacane, RN, New Jersey


Mari YanuzziAs a Healthy Lifestyle Expert, Producer/Co-host of the Variety Talk Show “Your Life” that has run for 7 yrs-14 seasons, I am always on the look out for products that deliver what they say. My personal friend Rick Kundrat introduced me to NuVim® and I was instantly hooked. It is a powder mix that I use in my yogurt or cereal in the morning, milk in the evening and any beverage like bottled water during the day.  I use all of the varieties Chocolate, Vanilla and Strawberry.  I believe in growing older gracefully and I count on NuVim® to help me. So give NuVim® a try and you will be hooked too! PS….tell Rick I sent you…;) – Mari Yanuzzi


Allison Hanna“I have been using NuVim® now for two years.  I play on the LPGA tour and NuVim®  is such a great product to use on the road.  I have introduced the powder mix form to other girls on the tour.  They love it.  It helps us to stay healthy and not get sick when flying on planes every week”- Allison Hanna,  LPGA Tour Professional


Ruth Carey“About two years ago I discovered a product called NuVim® that I would like to share some information with you.  NuVim® is well researched and it works.  I like to pass along nutritional information that I can count on.  NuVim® can make a difference in your life”

– Ruth Carey, RD, CSSD, LD Nutrition Consultant, Board Certified Specialist in Sports Dietetics